Site Visualizer Testimonials
What other people say about Site Visualizer:
Translated from German: I localized Site Visualizer and the Website to German. After a short time I could work with the program and use its functions to facilitate my work.
Thomas D., Berlin
It may not be linked to SEO, but it is quite handy to create reports and export those into a spreadsheet software. There I create additional columns for translations of titles, meta tags, page descriptions or image tags. The localized results can be easily included into the individual web pages of the website via copy/paste."
Thank you so much, I really love this software! It's perfect for my line of work and have been using it on a daily basis. I'll definitely be supporting the product in any new upgrades.
Again, thanks very much - you guys have a customer for life.
Ran a quick scan on one of my websites. 164 pages total. Ran it quickly and provided all required information. Reports are in an easy to understand format. Was contemplating redesigning this particular web site and the information that is provided with this program will certainly cut down on the time required for the re-design. I give the program a thumbs up.
Software with a visual site layout, xml sitemap, broken link listing that actually works is hard to come by. Most folks don’t use XML, but this is gold for a professionals who need to bring new functionality to a website or if you are a screen scraper. An SQL searchable database of the results is also great idea for finding every reference without fail. Accompanying application website (Help pages) is clean and fast. Thanks Elphsoft!
It does appear to be a well designed and useful tool that does what it says on the tin! Thank you.
Wow, I've never used a program like this, but for diagnostics of your own website it is wonderful! I can tell the author put a lot of thought into this application.
You give it the url of a website and it will crawl the site to show you all the possible links and pages. Pretty handy if you need an overview of a website’s layout. It also lets you see how the GoogleBot searches a site. You can get a report of all each page’s meta-keywords, word count, inlinks, outlinks, and even external link count. You can even get a visual sitemap chart! Thank you very much!
Looks to be very useful. Ran the program on my own website and it gives a very nice map of where everything is structured. A definite keeper.
Well designed and useful utility!!
This program gathers a lot of info – a keeper for me. Thanks!